Cherry Bomb! The Podcast
When I first started the Sweet Blast Series with Cherry Bomb!, Honey Doo! and others, I wanted these photos to spark conversations whenever they were on display, whether at dinner parties or in conference rooms.
So, a companion art project to Sweet Blasts should, naturally, be a podcast!
Join my guests and I as we discuss Cherry Bomb!, food production, the environment, cooking, sustainable living and lifestyle.
Our goal on the podcast is to talk with interesting guests about their relationship with food, through art and sustainability. Each episode is designed to be about the length of my own average commute (20-25 minutes) and is conversational in tone.
So, let’s start the conversation!
Jay Coy, the Artist Journey
Conceptual photographer Jay Coy and I talk about how he started his career as a conceptual artist and maternity photographer. We explore his evolution and creative processes in both coming up with the concepts and executing the final photographs.
Along the way, we explore what it means to call yourself an artist, the challenges of the "Imposter Syndrome" and the newest series he is working on, After Earth. And, of course, we also attempt, once again, to define what "Art" is.
Patrick Pierce, Sculpture as Visible Jazz
Maine artist, poet and abstract sculptor, Patrick Pierce, talks with me about his origin as an artist and how he works with found materials and natural processes to create massive and intricate sculptures.
The philosophies of artists-- to create, to explore a subject from a different perspective -- can show us new ways to look at concepts, both beautiful and profane, that span both time and space.
From perspectives and perceptions, his definition of what we call art is an artifact of the artistic process. His goal of creating value without taking value from others is a refreshing mantra for today's society. He plays by his own rules, with the central tenant being, "Be as true as possible to what wants to happen... It's a response to being alive."
His honesty and frank, unique view of the world is a wonderful introduction to his work and a great jumping off point for our discussion today.
What is Sweet Blast All About, Anyway?
Suzanne Schultz, founder and CEO of Canvas Fine Arts, flips the script on me in this episode, driving the conversation as we explore my creative process and the origins of the Sweet Blast series.
"One of the most flattering things I ever had was my youngest came home from school. This was when he was in high school. And he turned to me and said, Dad, I heard myself channeling you talking to one of my friends about a problem that they raised. And I thought, I've done it. What I've created may not be remembered. But, his child's child's child may be still talking these philosophies to the people he's interacting with. That's enough for me."
Terri Mahn, Authentic Style
Terry Mahn has been a fixture on the Fashion Scene, especially in Boston, for all of her career. We explore her alternative path through the industry, with emphasis on the authentic, creativity and vintage cloths.
Her current job at The Real Real as a consigner puts her in touch with amazing collections by some of the biggest names in the industry like Stella McCarthy, Burbury and Gucci. It also helps to keep all of these cloths find new lives and avoid filling our landfills.
Cai Xi Silver, Artist, Chef, Educator
Cai Xi was classically trained in the arts in urban China. Now living in Vermont, she continues to practice her craft, through food, combining the memories of her mother's kitchen with sustainable goods from local farms.
Ron Koltnow: Micro Histories, Fried Chicken and The Humble Thermos
Author Ron Koltnow is a student of micro history. His first book is a study in regional history, exploring the legend of Barberton Chicken, in Akron, Ohio. It is the story of immigration in early America.
David Manzi, Appraising History
David Manzi has a unique perspective on the little (and big!) things that make our minds go brrriiinggg! From a Paul Revere Bell to a painting by Caravaggio, his mission is to help us understand how we value these items. And, it puts him in a place where he gets to see some really cool works!
Jeremy Ogusky on Pottery and the Art of Fermentation
As an artist, Jeremey Ogusky has found a balance between the art world and the consumer world by created pottery for a wide variety of commercial clients. His work has been sold in Williams Sonoma, and used in hotels and restaurants all over the country.
Markus Sebastiano, Artist Entrepreneur
Markus Sebastiano has carved out a niche for himself as a go to artist for interiors of restaurants and hotels across the country and as far away as Dubai.
Marie Aspling, Rational Balance
Marie Aspling, founder of Balans, was on a PhD track in Bio Chemistry. Born in South Africa, raised in Sweden, educated in the USA, she looked at her life goals and came to the conclusion that we were working on the wrong end of the problem.
Domenic Esposito Artist Activist
Domenic Esposito broke out in 2018 by dropping an 800 pound opioid spoon on Perdue to bring awareness to the epidemic of addiction that was created and promoted by corporate greed.
Aramis Hamer is Making Changes
The Seattle artist joins me over zoom for a tour through her art career, her social media and how she found her audience.
Diana James is Living Swell
Diana James started creating interior designs because she loves change. We explore some of the recent changes in the industry, while talking about where she started and what the trend is for the future of housing.
Woody Giessmann on Addiction and Art Therapy
Woody Giessmann and I sat down to talk about art, addiction, the Del Fuegos and what is evidence based therapy. He is a licensed addiction specialist and a Board Certified Family Interventionalist.
Donna Dodson and The Seagull Cinderella Controversy
Her sculpture, Seagull Cinderella, blew up on social media after someone took offense to the fact that their child noticed it and proclaimed, “Look, Dad! A duck with boobs.”
James Carmody, No Such thing as Zero Sum
James Carmody asks the right questions, at the right time, to maintain the dignity and respect his guests, his venders and his staff, while changing the world.
Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein, The Myth Makers Making Avatars
The Myth Makers are a lively pair of artists who travel the world, creating huge avatars to cultural heroes out of local materials in public spaces.
Lauren Birmingham and the One Kilometer Rule
Lauren Birmingham has created an opportunity for students of culture of all ages to experience old world Italian cuisine on an intimate level.
Sami Wakim - The Art of Street Art United States
Sami Wakim’s StreetArtUnitedStates celebrates street art and public murals around the world.
Raudric Curtis - They Had to Ban Magic
Sara Mraish Demeter's Art Resource Collaborative for Kids (ARCK) has eyes on rethinking our aging education system to include confidence, critical thinking, and communications.