Sara Demeter Renovates The Modern Curriculum

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Sara Mraish Demeter's Art Resource Collaborative for Kids (ARCK) has eyes on rethinking our aging education system. Confidence, critical thinking, and communications are not taught today at the same level as the hard skills, like math and science. But, these skills are at risk of being obsoleted by AI and other technologies.

So, how do we teach new, competitive skills, such as confidence, critical thinking and communications and give our students - our children - a leg up in the world?

Sara's answer is simple: build these "soft" skills into the curriculum by bringing more art to the classroom.

Art, built into the rest of the curriculum, like math and science,  helps our students to gain confidence, grow, contribute and become better communicators.

The ARCK program integrates art skills with core classes, with the goal to do exactly that: give our future generations the tools they need to succeed in our modern world.

Join Sara and myself as we talk about this program that has successfully been running in Boston public schools for a decade and see what you think.

You can learn more about ARCK, and get involved, at

I hope you enjoy the show and, as always, if you have questions or comments, please email me at

About Cherry Bomb! The Podcast

Join host Matt McKee as he talks with artists, chefs, entrepreneurs and innovators on the subjects of Food, Art and Sustainability.

The Inspiration for Cherry Bomb! The Podcast

After creating Cherry Bomb! and the rest of the Sweet Blasts series of photos, Matt found that every time he showed the works, deep conversations were sparked between him and his viewers as well as between the viewers themselves.

The podcast was the natural next step to continuing the conversation and sharing it with a wider audience.

Episode Credits

This episode was produced by Matt McKee, with consulting help from Suzanne Schultz at Canvas Fine Arts, the Specialists in Coaching for Creative People, and editing from Bill Shamlian at Orb Sound.


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