Kathy Milbury, My Place by the Sea


Kathy Milbury, chef for 25 years at My Place by the Sea, in Rockport, Mass, brings a passion for her work that combines with her love of community to create a truly amazing experience.

Inspired by the restaurant’s location, she creates dishes that are very local and feature fresh fish and produce from Rockport’s docks and local farms.

Join our conversation where we talk about her start, as a business and econ major, in the restaurants of Nantucket, through the creation of her My Place by the Sea, with her partner, Barbara Stavropoulos.

You can check out their menu and make reservations at My Place by the Sea.

They are also on Facebook.

You can listen to our conversation in the podcast below or on your favorite podcast apps.

See more about Cherry Bomb! The Podcast, with program notes for every episode, browse the Sweet Blast collection of limited edition art, and more, at www.theartofmattmckee.com


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